Saturday, July 9, 2011

Ikkaku Sennin: Plot

The play was originally by Komparu Zempo Motoyaso

It takes place in Barana (a kingdom in India) and it is the autumn. To make it less complicated, I'll do the plot in bullet points/list form.

  1. The Dragon Gods are trapped in a cave because of Ikkaku Sennin's curse and are unable to make it rain. The emperor grieves for his land, as it is all dried up and there is a terrible drought. Shinka, who serves the emperor of Barana, is to take a beautiful girl (Lady Senda Bunin) to the mountains where the wizard lives for him to fall in love with.
  2. Shinka, two koushou, and Lady Senda Bunin travel to the mountains (they sing a travel song).
  3. They arrive and claim to be lost travelers. Ikkaku Sennin tries to make them leave, but decides to show himself.
  4. They offer him some sake, but he refuses by saying hermits only eat needles of pine trees and drink dew.
  5. Lady Senda offers him a cup of wine and he accepts, as he has fallen in love with her. He falls into a deep sleep.
  6. Upon awakening, he discovers that he has lost his powers for being with humans and getting himself "lost in lust".
  7. The great dragon gods are released and appear before him.
  8. Ikkaku Sennin takes a sword and tries to fend them off. He exhausts all of his remaining magic powers and drops to the ground.
  9. The dragon gods go back to their dragon home.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

I think I'll introduce you to Ikkaku Sennin first and then talk about Noh.

Yes, I do everything backwards.
Maybe it would be easier to post all (or most) of my RI notes and info on here..

Ikkaku Sennin: The Characters

Ikkaku Sennin: He is a holy hermit monk with a horn on his head. He is better known as the "Holy Hermit Unicorn". He is said to be sprung from the womb of a deer, explaining the horn. The actor wears a mask.

Lady Senda Bunin: She is a beauteous young woman sent to seduce Ikkaku Sennin in order for him to lose his magic power. A mask is also worn.

The Two Dragon Gods: These are the gods who are responsible for the rain. However, they are trapped in a cave because of Ikkaku Sennin's curse. These actions have caused a drought in the country. They also wear masks.

Shinka: A servant to the emperor of Barana, a kingdom in India.

Two Koushou: They carry the palanquin Lady Senda rides.

Two On-Stage Assistants

Chorus of six or eight people

Irwin, Vera Rushforth. "Ikkaku Sennin." Four classical Asian plays in modern translation . Baltimore: Penguin Books, 1972. 241-269.