Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Ikkaku Sennin: The Characters

Ikkaku Sennin: He is a holy hermit monk with a horn on his head. He is better known as the "Holy Hermit Unicorn". He is said to be sprung from the womb of a deer, explaining the horn. The actor wears a mask.

Lady Senda Bunin: She is a beauteous young woman sent to seduce Ikkaku Sennin in order for him to lose his magic power. A mask is also worn.

The Two Dragon Gods: These are the gods who are responsible for the rain. However, they are trapped in a cave because of Ikkaku Sennin's curse. These actions have caused a drought in the country. They also wear masks.

Shinka: A servant to the emperor of Barana, a kingdom in India.

Two Koushou: They carry the palanquin Lady Senda rides.

Two On-Stage Assistants

Chorus of six or eight people

Irwin, Vera Rushforth. "Ikkaku Sennin." Four classical Asian plays in modern translation . Baltimore: Penguin Books, 1972. 241-269.

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