Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Augusto Boal

South America - Brazil

continuation of Brecht

Forum Theatre
Theatre of the Oppressed (for the oppressed)

  • He would choose one issue and you would have the actors, the joker and the audience
  • The joker is the connection between the audience and the actors & play
  • Present something and then remain neutral - he does not force an opinion on the audience
    • Example: One protagonist who makes all the wrong choices and gets negative consequences
      • Joker goes out to the audience and says "enjoy the show etc" and lets the audience watch the play
      • Joker comes back and asks audience if the protagonist could have done something to change - audience makes suggestion - actors takes directions from audience member
  • Audience member is engages with choice

Invisible Theatre

  • Goes into a restaurant (they were not allowing people to walk in and ask for a glass of water)
  • Two actors go in and order a meal --> Another actor goes in and asks for a glass of water, challenges restaurant owner
  • Audience are the people in restaurant
  • Impact is to raise awareness 

Apprentice: Andrienne Jackson http://www.cardboardcitizens.org.uk/

looking at stories and structures
     Go a little 

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